


AMD's most recent design card, the Radeon R9 285, has developed months after whatever remains of the association's present extent appeared, however there's a justifiable reason purpose behind that – it utilizes a fresh out of the plastic new center, named Tonga.

The R9 285 is intended to supplant the R9 280 and in addition convey the battle to Nvidia's GeForce GTX 760, and it ought to play each diversion at 1080p and 1440p – despite the fact that 4K will probably be past its capacities. Value insightful, the different models of the R9 285 expense amongst £170 and £190 – the same kind of money you'll pay for the GTX 760.


The R9 285 is the main card to at present utilize the Tonga center. It's a mid-range center, yet it shares a pivotal piece of its engineering with AMD's top of the line 290-arrangement parts, with the 1,792 stream processors split into a quartet of shader motors. That implies the R9 285 has twofold the motors of the 280 it replaces – a move that ought to enhance execution in a large group of ranges, from geometric and decoration execution to general process errands.

Tonga's top of the line DNA looks good to game execution, and that is not by any means the only amazing measurement inside this GPU. AMD says there are 5 billion transistors inside, which is more than the 4.3 billion inside the R9 280 – and just about 1.5 billion more than Nvidia's GTX 760 offers.

Somewhere else, the 285's mid-range goals are made self-evident. The 918MHz center clock is the most minimal of any mid-range or top-end AMD card, and it's likewise behind the 980MHz center of the GTX 760. The memory's 1,375MHz clock bests the 1,250MHz of the R9 280, however the new 285 has 2GB of GDDR5 memory with a 256-piece transport – a poorer offering than the 3GB, 384-piece R9 280. That implies a top memory data transfer capacity of 176GB/s, which can't contend with the 240GB/s of the more seasoned GPU.

The R9 285 is still based on the commonplace Graphics Core Next engineering, however this third emphasis has been enhanced no matter how you look at it. There's better backing for 4K H.264 video playback, transcoding is more effective, and AMD says that lossless pressure makes for more productive memory taking care of.

This card likewise has the most recent CrossFire controller, so multi-GPU setups don't require span connectors – everything experiences the PCI-Express opening. The Mantle API and TrueAudio are both upheld, despite the fact that their favorable circumstances may be evident when more designers are going to play a part with both projects.

On the outside the R9 285 doesn't hurl any shocks. Card length differs relying upon which board accomplice you utilize, yet the R9 285 is a comparable length to the R9 280 and GTX 760 – so you're taking a gander at a 270mm-300mm PCB. The R9 285 requires two six-pin power connectors.


Front line 4 is one of the PC's greatest shooters, and it's additionally an AMD-upgraded diversion. The last truth gave us high trusts in the R9 285's execution, however it got off to an unfavorable begin: at 1080p its 37fps least equalled the GTX 760, yet its 44.16fps normal was a large portion of a casing behind the Nvidia card.

The unremarkable structure proceeded when we increased the determination to 2,560 x 1,440. The three cards all hit essentials of 25fps or 26fps, however the production line crisp R9 285's normal of 30.33fps was barely behind both of its rivals.

No card was playable at 4K utilizing our standard settings – with a specific end goal to hit smooth framerates at this determination, you'll have to dial back the quality or purchase a more costly card.

We trusted the R9 285's redesigned engineering and Battlefield 4's AMD-accommodating coding would help the R9 285 draw clear of its more seasoned stablemate and the GTX 760 in this benchmark, however that wasn't the situation. The new card exchanges blows with the GTX 760, yet it's the Nvidia card that takes the tightest of triumphs.


Business got when we stacked Bioshock Infinite. At 1080p the R9 285 found the middle value of 90.41fps, which was right around seven edges in front of the GTX 760, and it kept up that preferred standpoint when we increased the pixel tally. At 2,560 x 1,440, the R9 285 found the middle value of 48.43fps – three edges superior to anything its opponent. The R9 285 likewise outpaced its antecedent, which was no less than five casings slower in each normal framerate test.

The R9 285 figured out how to play Bioshock at 4K with a smooth normal framerate of 33.38fps. That is the right half of 30fps, which is something we can't say in regards to Nvidia – its card floundered at 26.37fps.

The circumstance wasn't so obvious when it came to least framerates. The R9 285 fell behind the GTX 760 at each determination, however neither one of the cards figured out how to get past 30fps – and the modest bits of time we're discussing here implies that the framerate drops won't bring about perceptible moderate downs amid gameplay.


The R9 285 kept on awing in Crysis 3. In this requesting diversion, keep running at 1080p, the new AMD card scored least and normal framerates of 30fps and 45.91fps. The previous figure equalled the GTX 760, while the last was a large portion of an edge ahead.

The story was rehashed at 2,560 x 1,440, with the R9 285 coordinating its adversary with its base framerate and pulling possibly ahead with its normal.

Neither one of the cards could figure out how to play this escalated title at 4K, however the R9 285 drove the path in this test. The new AMD card likewise beat the more established R9 280 in right around five of the six Crysis 3 benchmarks.


The R9 285 extended a summoning lead in Batman: Arkham Origins. At 1080p the new card's normal of 89fps was eleven casings past anything that the GTX 760 could oversee, and it was much further in front of the 67fps scored by the R9 280. That example was rehashed at 2,560 x 1,440, where the new card arrived at the midpoint of 68fps: eight casings more than the GTX 760, and 16 superior to the R9 280.

The R9 285's 31fps normal at 4K determination was one edge in front of the GTX 760. This determination was the stand out where Nvidia's card could discover any comfort: its 17fps least was two edges superior to the R9 285. That is an uncommon Batman misfortune for the R9 285, yet it's insufficient to make this amusement keep running with noteworthy log jam when contrasted with the GTX 760 – in the event that you play at 4K, they'll appear to be comparative.

Batman isn't an extremely requesting diversion, particularly at lower resolutions, yet the R9 285 was still the unmistakable champ. At 1,920 x 1,080 it effectively outpaced its opponents, and it equalled the GTX 760 at 3,840 x 2,160.


The R9 285 kept on commanding in Metro: Last Light – at any rate when it went to the exceedingly essential normal framerate comes about.

At 1,920 x 1,080 the R9 285's 48.79fps normal was five and six edges superior to the GTX 760 and R9 280. We increased the determination to 2,560 x 1,440 and the R9 285 still kept up its lead with a normal of 38.41fps - five and seven casings past its individual rivals.

This isn't the first run through the circumstance hasn't been so obvious while talking about least framerates. Strangely, the R9 280 was the best entertainer in this gathering, however it's to a great extent a disputable issue – none of these cards could deal with a superior least than 6.94fps in any test. They're odd scores that reflect moderate individual casings, and didn't look somewhat like the smooth play we saw on screen amid tests.


Fire Strike is 3D Mark's hardest representation benchmark, and in this test the R9 285 scored 6,744 focuses. That is superior to the 5,905 scored by the R9 280, and it's significantly further in front of the GTX 760. Nvidia's card scored only 5,785.

The new card was comparably predominant in Unigine Heaven. In the Basic benchmark at 1,366 x 768 and 1,920 x 1,080 the R9 285 scored 114.6fps and 66.6fps. Both of those outcomes were no less than ten casings superior to the two different cards we've said here.

We turned the subtle element to Extreme, yet the R9 285 didn't recoil. At 1,366 x 768 it arrived at the midpoint of 50.7fps, with the GTX 760 precisely four edges behind. At 1,920 x 1,080 the R9 285 scored 32.8fps, with the GTX 760 hitting 30.1fps.

The R9 285 was the coolest card in this survey, with a pinnacle temperature of 69°C. That is a decent result – the GTX 760 topped out at 83°C – however it ought to be brought with a grain of salt, as warm execution will be dictated by the cooler on your card.

The R9 285 paid a cost for its great benchmark execution, however, with high power utilization. At the point when lingering with AMD's new card fitted, our test rig drew 108W from the mains, which was far past the 83W required by our apparatus with both different cards utilized. At the point when anxiety tried, the R9 285 added to an aggregate force draw of 333W; both different cards required under 300W.


Purchasing a representation card isn't as simple as looking at benchmark comes about. Most producers' extents are commanded by models with overclocks, diverse coolers and other one of a kind offering focuses, and it merits looking at what's accessible – and the amount they cost.

A lot of R9 285 cards are accessible at stock speeds, and they're the chips that fall into the £170-£190 value range we specified toward the begin of this audit. Go past this figure, however, and you could spend up to £200. Some of these models are overclocked – one, made by Sapphire, costs £191 and overclocks its center to 965MHz – and others include little coolers intended for smaller than expected ITX walled in areas.

That makes the R9 285 look like more regrettable quality when up against the GTX 760, however the Nvidia card's base costs are correspondingly swelled: overclocked models can cost substantially more than £200.

The Nvidia card is likewise accessible with both 2GB and 4GB of memory, which will enhance execution. AMD determines that the R9 285 can likewise be sold with the two diverse memory sums, however those cards haven't yet rose – watch out in the event that you long for more RAM.

As ever, watch that your PC can deal with a R9 285 on the off chance that you plan to redesign. It's critical to ensure that a case has enough space for the card's 275mm length and its double opening cooler, furthermore guarantee that the force supply has two free six-pin power connectors.

AMD has presented another Never Settle group with the R9 285. This offer, named the Space Edition, implies that you'll get three free amusements with any acquired R9 285 card. As the name proposes, the diversions accessible look to the skies: Star Citizen and Alien: Isolation are incorporated alongside various different recreations.


AMD acquainted the R9 285 with best the more established R9 280 and rival the GTX 760, and it does its employment well: its antecedent is extensively beaten in most essential benchmarks, and it exchanges blows with the GTX 760.

The R9 285 is much quicker than its Nvidia rival in Batman and Metro: Last Light, and it's likewise speedier in hypothetical tests. There's little to pick between the two cards in Battlefield 4 and Bioshock Infinite, and the R9 285 is better in Crysis 3 – yet just barely.

The AMD card is the better entertainer, yet it's a nearby run thing – overclocked forms could influence us in either course, and the two cards are equally coordinated with regards to costs. The GTX 760 is a decent card for 1080p and 1440p gaming, yet the new R9 285 is only that tad bit better. At the sub-£200 value point, it's our new top pick.


AMD's new Tonga center functions admirably in the greater part of our gaming tests: it beats the GTX 760 in the vast majority of our amusements, though once in a while by small edges, and it's no more regrettable than its adversary when it can't pull ahead. It's equivalent in cost to the GTX 760, and accompanies free recreations. It's our new most loved sub-£200 representation card, though by the slimmest of edges.


Graphics Chipset
Video Chipset AMD Radeon R9 285
Core Clock Speed 918MHz
Installed Video Memory 2GB
Effective Memory Clock Speed 1,375MHz
Network and Additional Features
Interface Connection PCI-Express 3.0
Type Graphics

So, that's all about AMD RADEON R9 285 Review. Hopefully the content can show you information when you looking for. See you next time.



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