


The new Radeon R9 380X is a card I've been expecting for quite a while: there's been a colossal crevice in AMD's reach since it discharged the R9 380 and the R9 390, which cost around £150 and £250 individually. It bodes well for AMD to opening in another card between the two.

With this new £199 Radeon, AMD is additionally taking the battle to Nvidia. Between Nvidia's GTX 960 at £150 and its GTX 970 at £250 there's a colossal void, which means there's a robust cut of the business sector simply holding up to be misused.

AMD RADEON R9 380X – In The Engine

In spite of the fact that the card has another name, it depends on existing equipment. This is precisely the case with most current-era AMD cards; just Fury-marked items are outfitted with a fresh out of the plastic new center.

The R9 380X utilizations a reconsidered variant of a year ago's Tonga center, this time around called Antigua. What's surprising is that AMD has, interestingly, unleashed the full force of this chip. The Antigua center utilized inside the R9 380X has its full range of 2,048 stream processors split into 32 register units, which is a stage up from each past Tonga-based part; they've all had 1,792 stream processors inside 28 units.

The R9 380X's center is timed to 970MHz, and it's banded together with 4GB of GDDR5 memory that keeps running at 5,700MHz. On paper, those figures aren't colossally great: the standard R9 380 runs its center and memory at the very same velocities.

Nonetheless, AMD hasn't really made a reference card for the R9 380X, rather surrendering it over to board accomplices. Along these lines, as a general rule this implies most forms of the card will have a center overclock when they leave the processing plant. The specimen here, for occasion, touched base at 1,040MHz – despite the fact that I timed it withdraw to its stock rates for this audit.

Somewhere else, it's nothing new. The Antigua center uses a 28nm assembling process and is worked with five billion transistors, and it bolsters Mantle, Vulkan and DirectX 12 – ideal for supporting inevitable diversions.

The R9 380X is intended to fill a crevice in AMD's lineup, yet it likewise sneaks between two of Nvidia's cards. Its fundamental rival is the GTX 960, however those GPUs will be far less expensive than the £199 Radeon: Nvidia's chip begins at £150 and just a couple cost more than £200.

At the flip side of the scale is the GTX 970. It's a significantly more effective GPU, yet it's more costly; the least expensive model expenses £251.


AMD's most recent card demonstrated proficient at 1080p and 1440p gameplay – however don't expect a goliath jump forward from the standard R9 380.

The R9 380X's 3DMark: Fire Strike score of 7,760 is just 140 focuses in front of the less expensive AMD card, however it figured out how to broaden a lead of more than a thousand focuses over the GTX 960 – that card oversaw just 6,586.

The unassuming change proceeded when I stacked genuine diversions. Its Battlefield 4 score of 50 is effortlessly playable at 1080p, yet it's exclusive three casings in front of the standard R9 380 and two edges past the GTX 960.

The little crevice between the two AMD cards proceeded in a few different diversions. In Crysis 3 its 54fps normal was just four casings in front of the more established R9 380, and in Metro: Last Light, the R9 380X's 1080p normal of 72fps was just three edges speedier. The hole in Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor was significantly littler – the R9 380X arrived at the midpoint of 72fps, with the standard R9 380 just two casings behind.

The new AMD card just opened up an agreeable lead over its antecedent in a modest bunch of amusements. In Batman: Arkham Origins its 1080p normal of 115fps cavorted in front of the 92fps scored by the less expensive Radeon, and in BioShock Infinite it was seven casings snappier.

The R9 380X didn't generally figure out how to pull in front of Nvidia's opposition. Its base 1080p casing rate of 75fps was five edges in front of the GTX 960, yet its 115fps normal was six edges behind the Nvidia card. In BioShock, the R9 380X's 86fps normal was stand out casing superior to the green group's card.

In most different diversions the Radeon could beat the GTX 960, yet the crevices between the two were conflicting. It was just two edges better in Battlefield 4 and a few edges speedier in Unigine Heaven. It was better in Crysis 3 and Metro: Last Light – here the Radeon scored 54fps and 72fps, with both of those outcomes ten casings superior to the GTX 960.

The R9 380X demonstrated speedier than the more seasoned AMD card and Nvidia's GTX 960 in most 1080p benchmarks, and it was playable in each diversion, however it once in a while hauled out an expansive lead.

That example proceeded when I increase the determination to 2,560 x 1,440.

In Battlefield 4, the R9 380X's playable normal edge rate of 33fps was three edges superior to the GTX 960. In Crysis 3, it drove the path by six edges on account of its consequence of 36fps. In Batman: Arkham Origins its 78fps normal was superbly playable, however just three edges past the GTX 960 – at this level, this is immaterial.

The R9 380X opened up better leads in two or three different recreations. In Metro its 46fps normal beat the GTX 960 by seven casings, and its 52fps result in BioShock was five edges superior to anything Nvidia could oversee.

There wasn't a gigantic add up to pick between the two AMD cards at 1440p: in five of the test recreations at this determination the R9 380X could just beat the less expensive Radeon by five casings or less.

The R9 380X proceeded with its unobtrusive changes over opponents at 1440p, however it's pretty much as critical to look at the playability of amusements at this all the more requesting determination. The R9 380X performed well, with its poorest normal a still-playable 33fps in Battlefield 4. Its essentials plunged in a modest bunch of recreations, yet that is insufficient to bring about enormous issues – only an intermittent falter.

I've contrasted the R9 380X with the less expensive R9 380 and GTX 960 cards, but on the other hand it merits considering the GTX 970. It's £50 more costly, however it's far quicker: its 3DMark: Fire Strike score is an overwhelming 9,567, and in Battlefield 4's 1080p test its 72fps normal was 22fps superior to the R9 380X.

AMD's reused design hurled no curve balls in warm tests. The R9 380X brought about the test apparatus to draw 80W and 268W from the mains when lingering and stretch tried. That doesn't contrast well with the GTX 960, which required just 67W and 196W. The R9 380X's temperature never troubled us, however that figure will differ contingent upon the accomplice card utilized.


The R9 380X might be sold as an accomplice card, with no official reference model – however there are still angles that will be basic over each board. The R9 380X will dependably require two six-pin power inputs. This center isn't sufficiently unassuming to fit littler outlines, so cards will dependably be double space models that need a not too bad measure of room inside a case.

The absence of a reference card additionally implies that each model will be overclocked. This is prone to smallly affect execution, despite the fact that it's uncommon for changed models, for example, this to include more than two or three casings to most benchmark results.

I can't yet make certain about the exact models that will develop once the R9 380X has been presented, however a harsh aide can be built up by taking a gander at the slate of R9 380 cards as of now available.

All of these current cards are overclocked, with most increasing the 970MHz center to 990MHz or a little past 1,000MHz – the most aggressive originates from XFX, which runs the center at 1,030MHz. The majority of these cards are double fan, double opening models. It's reasonable to expect comparably unassuming jumps from the R9 380X.

That doesn't look good for the R9 380X. There are more littler renditions of the Nvidia card, and numerous accompany a free diversion – not offered with the R9 380X now that AMD's Never Settle group has vanished.

Nvidia's overclocks are more aspiring, as well. The GTX 960's stock velocity of 1,127MHz is supported past 1,216MHz on a few diverse accomplice cards.


Graphics Chipset
Video Chipset AMD Radeon R9 380X
Core Clock Speed 970MHz
Installed Video Memory 4GB
Effective Memory Clock Speed 5,700MHz
Network and Additional Features
Interface Connection PCI-E 3.0

So, that's all about AMD RADEON R9 380X Review. Hopefully the content can show you information when you looking for. 
See you next time.



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