


The Radeon R9 390X is another top of the line card from AMD. Deliberately situated in the business sector, its £330 value marks it out as a top-level chip. Be that as it may, it isn't as costly as the hyper-intense Wrath X and GTX 980 Ti, which means it's inside span of numerous more gamers.

The R9 390X is fabricated utilizing more seasoned equipment that has been updated, and is intended to go up against the Nvidia GeForce GTX 980 – a standout amongst the most mainstream cards around.
AMD RADEON R9 390X – In the engine

The R9 390X has the classification of the company's past leads, yet the arrival of the Wrath X implies this is no more a reach topping GPU. That implies AMD is substance to fill the card with more seasoned equipment. The 390X uses the Representation Center Next engineering that has been inside AMD cards since 2011, and the Hawaii center that shaped the R9 290X has been changed and renamed Grenada to fabricate the R9 390X.

The R9 390X still has an astounding 2,816 stream processors. They're part into figure units with 64 singular processors inside, and 11 of these register units sit inside four Shader Motors that make the center. There's an Illustrations Charge Processor over the parcel, giving requests, and a mutual L2 reserve.

AMD has conveyed execution enhancements by tweaking certain parts of the center. Warm advantages mean the center clock can be enhanced from 1,000MHz to 1,050MHz. The card's TDP has dropped from 290W to 275W.

There's no indication of the inventive High Data transfer capacity Memory that AMD appeared in the Wrath X, however the R9 390X still has 8GB of GDDR5 – twice as much as the R9 290X. It's timed at 6,000MHz, which is speedier than the more seasoned card, and it conveys an aggregate data transmission figure of 384GB/sec. This is higher than the 290X's 320GB/sec, and significantly promote in front of the Nvidia GeForce GTX 980's 224GB/sec figure.

The R9 390X has 6.2 billion transistors and holds a 28nm assembling process, and the whole card produces a pinnacle data transfer capacity of 5,914 GFLOPs – just about 300 GFLOPs more than the R9 290X could oversee.

The R9 390X lines up against the Nvidia GeForce GTX 980, which is around £50 more costly. Nvidia's card just has 2,048 stream processors, however the center is timed to 1,126MHz and can ascend by 100MHz utilizing GPU help. The Nvidia card incorporates half as much memory and a lower data transfer capacity of 224GB/sec, and its transmission capacity of 4,612 GFLOPs is lower on paper.

In any case, it fights back in force utilization. The Maxwell design is significantly more effective than AMD's equipment, and the GTX 980's 165W TDP is much lower.

AMD's card is designed with HDMI 1.4a and DisplayPort 1.2a ports. That'll be fine for most uses, however it comes with a few provisos. That HDMI association can't convey a 4K signal at 60Hz, so you'll need to utilize the DisplayPort plug – and HDMI 1.4a likewise can't deal with the same number of sound channels as more present day connectors.

The R9 390X is a major GPU that requires at any rate single eight-and six-pin power connectors, albeit some outsider cards perhaps needing more snort; our example required two eight-pin plugs. The card we tried additionally had three fans, which doesn't as a matter of course look good for commotion. In any case, AMD includes another element that turns off the fans at low load, so the card will be tranquil when you're not playing recreations.

Regarding APIs, support for the majority of the typical conventions is incorporated: Mantle, Vulcan, DirectX 12 and that's only the tip of the iceberg.

AMD RADEON R9 390X – Has Been Analyzed

The R9 390X and its principle opponent, Nvidia's GeForce GTX 980, exchanged blows in a large portion of our benchmarks – it's one of the nearest representation fights we've found in some time.

Our first bechmark, 3DMark, is a hypothetical trial of a GPU's snort, and the two cards traded triumphs straight out of the squares. The AMD equipment was better at 1080p, fell behind at 2,560 x 1,440, and after that took a lead at 4K by a modest bunch of focuses.

The nearby rivalry proceeded in Front line 4. The R9 390X's 1080p normal of 81fps was five casings behind the GTX 980, yet the AMD card was one edge ahead at 1440p – and after that kept up its single-edge lead at 4K. All things considered, its 29fps normal at 3,840 x 2,160 isn't exactly sufficiently smooth to be viewed as playable, particularly with a base edge rate of 23fps.

In Batman, the R9 390X was reliably behind the Nvidia card, and the AMD chip didn't inspire in BioShock either – its 114fps normal was seven casings speedier at 1080p, however the R9 390X was just two edges ahead at 1440p and slower than Nvidia at 4K.

AMD's card hauled its finger out when we stacked Crysis – a significantly more requesting title than Batman and BioShock. It was better at all three resolutions, with its best score coming at 1440p: a normal of 54fps is eight edges behind the GTX 980.
The R9 390X kept on performing admirably in Metro: Last Light and Center Earth: Shadow of Mordor. It was quicker in each test, with steady crevices at 1080p and 1440p and drove by a few casings when we turned up the determination to 4K. It was superior to the GTX 980 in Tomb Bandit, as well, with a 7fps lead at 1440p and 4fps at 4K.

Stupendous Robbery Auto V is our last recreations test, and here the R9 390X fell behind – it was eight casings behind at 1440p and two edges back at 4K.

The last hypothetical test, Unigine, saw the cards resume exchanging blows. AMD's equipment was slower at 1080p and 1440p, yet better at 4K.

It's a great appearing for the AMD card, yet it's not all uplifting news. The Illustrations Center Next engineering doesn't have a notoriety for being the most effective, and it falls further behind Nvidia's Maxwell plans. The R9 390X apparatus' top force draw of 410W is far higher than the GTX 980's 273W – and it's considerably more than the GTX 980 Ti and Titan X required. What's more, in a baffling appear, it even needs more power than the Rage X, which was more effective and helped our test rig draw 369W from the mains.

That is no useful for your power bill, however it additionally implies overclocking isn't as great on this GPU. Also, outsider producers may battle to keep down clamor levels, since it will require more heftier cooling gear.

The R9 390X is less expensive than its opponent from Nvidia, yet it makes a great showing with regards to in staying aware of the GTX 980. By and large, the AMD card shows improvement over Nvidia in five diversions, and misses out in just three titles. At 1440p, it's quicker than the GTX 980 in six of our eight test titles.

Outside of that air pocket, the R9 390X keeps on awing. It's needless excess for 1080p, yet it has abundant force for playing recreations at 1440p, and it has enough snort to handle most amusements at 4K as well. Nonetheless, beat titles will require graphical settings conditioned down before they run easily, on the grounds that their normal edge rates are frustrated by poorer essentials.


The Wrath X wasn't accessible with board accomplice alterations. Nonetheless, the R9 390X is a more ordinary card that is ready for tweaking so there are a lot of alternatives accessible on the off chance that you need something somewhat distinctive.

Costs begin at under £330, however at this end of the business sector cards don't have a tendency to have any overclocking or additional cooling elements.

Changed adaptations of the R9 390X are accessible from MSI, Gigabyte, XFX and Sapphire. Estimated amongst £340 and £350, all are overclocked with centers that keep running somewhere around 1,055MHz and 1,100MHz and memory enhanced to 6,100MHz.

Some pricier forms of the card have diverse changes. Asus offers a £359 model that holds the stock pace, yet includes the DirectCU II cooling gea. Gigabyte and Asus highlight humble center overclocks.

As to board accomplices, the R9 390X offers a change from the Fierceness X, yet regardless it can't rival the abundance of GTX 980 alternatives accessible. Cards are more costly, with costs from £379, yet significantly more copious. Sprinkle more money and you can profit by greater overclocks, as well; a MSI model that expenses £402 changes the 1,126MHz center to a mammoth 1,216MHz.

Regardless of the card you need to purchase, check its physical details. Numerous R9 390X models are long and stout, requiring both eight-and six-pin power connectors – so ensure your PSU has the right fittings and your case is sufficiently large.


The R9 390X is intended to go up against the GTX 980, and it makes a great showing with regards to. It's nearly £50 less expensive than Nvidia's card and, in numerous diversions, it's somewhat quicker – and in titles where it's not exactly as snappy, it's never a long ways behind. AMD's clock increments and memory helps have unmistakably worked.

It's more than sufficiently capable for 1080p and 1440p screens, and it's just about fit for 4K gaming as well. Numerous titles will play at their most astounding settings, and harder amusements will in any case run easily at sensible quality levels.

The R9 390X is focused in crude execution terms, yet it falls behind Nvidia in different zones. It devours much more power, which affects commotion, heat and overclocking. What's more, there are less outsider cards accessible.

There's little to pick between the two cards in benchmarks, with the R9 390X just barely edging in front of the GTX 980.

The crevices aren't sufficiently wide to have a critical effect in what resolutions and quality levels are practical, however the AMD card is the best choice in case you're hunting down the best speed without bouncing up to the following level of GPUs.

Nvidia's card, in the mean time, remains a more adjusted alternative on account of its lower power utilization and more flexible engineering.



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