


AMD shocked everyone with the dispatch of the Radeon RX 480. This mid-range card was the first to irritate the customary way of thinking that you expected to spend a colossal amout to get a competent 1440p GPU. 

In any case, since our unique audit, the business sector has changed fairly. We've seen the entry of the Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 and the AMD Radeon RX 470, which nearly coordinate the RX 480 as far as execution and cost. 

What hasn't changed is its execution: this is a stonking Full HD and 1440p card for around £215. 

The following is our unique audit: 

AMD RADEON RX 480 – SPECS AND Innovation Clarified 

AMD has moved from its GCN (Representation Center Next) 3 engineering to GCN 4, codenamed Polaris. It's a genuinely huge movement regarding the chip's physical outline. Gone is the 28-nanometer process utilized as a part of the past era, to be supplanted by a 14nm procedure. This takes into consideration a more prominent number of transistors on any given bit of silicon, however without bringing about an expansion in force utilization and warmth. 

The 14nm procedure is more thick than the 16nm procedure of Nvidia's Pascal design, utilized as a part of the GTX 1070 and 1080, however since AMD hasn't yet dispatched a GPU to match both of these cards, direct correlations on the viability of this denser course of action stays to be seen. 

Best Video Graphic Adapter Card 2016 

The RX 480 is bolstered by GDDR5 memory, with a few cards including 4GB and others getting 8GB. 4GB models cost £185, while 8GB units will be £215. The distinctions don't end here: 4GB units will have memory fit for 7Gbps (gigabits every second) speeds, while 8GB will have up to 8Gbps. 

Outsider makers may pick an alternate GDDR5 determination keeping in mind the end goal to spare cash, however AMD ensures that no card will dispatch with a throughput that is under 7Gbps. It's maybe a bit of befuddling, however isn't a reason for stress; valuing and specs sheets will make it genuinely clear what you're purchasing. 



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